Applies to:  CELONIS 4.0 CELONIS 4.2 CELONIS 4.3 CELONIS 4.4 CELONIS 4.5 


The Pull-Up-Functions allow you to aggregate a column based on another table. You can define the parent table to which the child-tables entries are pulled, and you can explicitly define on which basis calculations are executed.

In contrast to the standard aggregation functions, the result of a PU function can be used as an input for another aggregation.

Filter expressions can be defined to specify which values should be taken into account for the aggregation.

A 1:N relationship between the parent and child table is required.


PU_X ( parent_table, child_table.column [, filter_expression] ) 
where PU_X is one of
PU_X ( parent_table, child_table.column [, filter_expression] [, order by expression] ) 
where PU_X is one of
PU_QUANTILE ( parent_table, child_table.column, quantile [, filter_expression] )

Filter behavior

The way PU functions handle filters is different compared to the standard aggregation. In contrast to the standard aggregation, PU functions ignore filters, meaning that if a filter or a selection is changed, the result of the PU function is not recalculated. Another difference to the standard aggregation is that it is possible to filter on the result of a PU function.


It is not possible to use the same table as the parent and the child table in an PU function. However, the DOMAIN_TABLE function can be used to create a temporary table from the parent tables' column(s) to pull up to.


PU_X ( DOMAIN_TABLE ( column1,...,columnN ), child_table.column [, filter_expression]) 
where PU_X is one of
PU_X ( DOMAIN_TABLE ( column1,...,columnN ), child_table.column [, filter_expression] [, order by expression] ) 
where PU_X is one of
PU_QUANTILE ( DOMAIN_TABLE ( column1,...,columnN ), child_table.column, quantile [, filter_expression] )
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