Applies to: CELONIS 4.7
This operator converts the document currency of SAP tables using the internal tables TCURR, TCURF and TCURX to perform the conversion.
The currency conversion varies based on three different cases explained below.
Case 1: Input Currency = Converted Currency
Even though both currencies are the same, the amount of decimal places needs to be taken into account.
The conversion is calculated as follows:
Converted_Value = Value * (TCURX.CURRDEC ? TDEC : 1)
Case 2: Input Currency ≠ Converted Currency, TCURR.UKURS < 0
If the exchange rate is < 0, SAP uses the inverse of that rate, meaning that
UKURS = -0.003
is interpreted as1/0.003
. This is the reason why we have to make a difference between cases with positive and negative exchange rates in the calculations. We also need to take into account that the conversion factors might be different for the FROM and the TO currency. Therefore, we divide the FROM currency by the FROM factor and multiply the result by the TO factor.Converted_Value = (Value * TDEC * TFACT) / (|UKURS| * FFACT)
Case 3: Input Currency ≠ Converted Currency, TCURR.UKURS > 0
Here as well, we need to take into account that the conversion factors might be different for the FROM and the TO currency. Therefore, we divide the FROM currency by the FROM factor and multiply the result by the TO factor.
Converted_Value = (Value * TDEC * TFACT * |UKURS|) / (FFACT)
The helper tables TCURF, TCURR and, TCURX need to be integrated from SAP. TFACT and FFACT should be integrated as FLOAT. DATE Column: GDATU should be in the same format as it is stored in the TCURF and TCURR table in SAP i.e. inverted date format as a STRING.
CURRENCY_CONVERT_SAP ( to_currency, exchange_rate_type, mandt_column, document_currency_column, document_date_column, amount_column [, source_system_main_table_column ])
to_currency: Currency to which conversion needs to be made. SAP stores this in CUKY format having length 5.
exchange_rate_type: Exchange Rate Type.
Different popular values and what they mean:
B - Bank Selling Rate.
G - Bank Buying Rate.
M - Average Rate.
EURO - Used for exchange rates between EU member nation currencies (Example: DEM:FRF).
EURX - Used for exchange rates between an EU member nation currency and a non-member nation currency (Example: DEM:USD)
mandt_column: Column for the client id (Example: VBAK.MANDT). Either from header or item table.
document_currency_column: Column for the Document Currency (Example: VBAK.WAERK) either from the header or item table.
document_date_column: Column for the Date of the record (Example: VBAP.ERDAT) either from the header or item table. Data type of this column should be DATE.
amount_column: Column for the Amount to be converted (Example: VBAP.NETWR) usually from the item table.
source_system_main_table_column: Optional column specifying the source system for the table for which currency conversion needs to be done. The name of this column and the source system column in TCURR and TCURF must be same.
[1] Example of currency conversion to EUR for the SAP P2P process with EKKO header table and EKPO item table. The date field used is EKKO.AEDAT and the converted column is EKPO.NETWR.
[2] Example of currency conversion to EUR for the SAP O2C process with VBAK header table and VBAP item table. The date field used is VBAP.ERDAT and the converted column is VBAP.NETWR.
[3] Example of currency conversion to EUR for TMP_VBAK_VBAP table with multiple source systems. The column name of the source system in TMP_VBAK_VBAP, TCURR and TCURF tables must be same.