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General settings

The general settings allow the user to change the title, manage permissions and reset components to default.

Manage general settings

  1. Analysis title: The analysis title will be changed all over the application if changed here.

  2. Excel and .CSV export: Enables users to download raw data from the sheets and components. You can set a limit of maximum rows to limit the load that is put on your application server.

  3. BPMN export: Activates the option to export the process graphs as BPMN 2.0 file.

  4. Variant calculation: You can deactivate the variant calculation on process graphs. On processes with a very high number of distinct activities you can gain significant performance improvements by deactivating variants. Note that the smart graph layouts might be affected. A page reload is required after changing this setting.

  5. Selection UI for viewers: You can enable the viewers on the analysis to see the selection UI.

  6. Reset component configurations: This action will reset all components within the analysis to its default settings.