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Single KPI components - Settings

General options

The general options tab allows you to change the general settings of the single KPI component.

  1. Options selector: switch between the 'General options' and 'Diagram area' sections.

  2. Title: edit the component title.

  3. Type: switch between the KPI components ('Number', 'Fill', 'Radial', or 'Gauge').

  4. KPI: define the PQL statements to select the KPI used in the component.

  5. Units: unit of measurement of the KPI.

  6. Subtitle: edit the component subtitle.

  7. Formatting: set the format options on the KPI or dimension.

  8. Coloring threshold: define a color mapping to set a color threshold.

Coloring thresholds

The coloring thresholds change the colors of the single KPI component if the KPI value goes over the defined threshold levels.

  1. Lower bound threshold: minimum value the KPI should assume.

  2. Upper bound threshold: maximum value the KPI should assume.

  3. Color picker: assign a color for the designated threshold from a color swatch map.

  4. Threshold value display: shows the value of the threshold, calculated from the threshold formula (item 6).

    The thresholds are automatically sorted according to their threshold value.

  5. Color code: assign a color for the designated threshold based on its color hex (on the #RRGGBB format).

  6. Threshold formula: define the PQL statements to select the threshold used in the component.

  7. Add threshold: add a new threshold.

Diagram area

The diagram area options tab allows you to format appearance settings of the single KPI component.

  1. Options selector: switch between the 'General options' and 'Diagram area' sections.

  2. Title: edit the component title and the title's format options.

  3. Subtitle: edit the component subtitle and its position.

  4. Border options: define the thickness, style, color and opacity of the component's border.