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What's new in Celonis Process Mining 4.7.3?

For Celonis Process Mining 4.7.3, we've focused on stability and bug fixes.


This page is updated to the last hotfix version CPM

Release notes

Celonis Process Mining - Release Notes.pdf

Bug fixes

Celonis Process Mining - Bug Fixes.pdf


You'll need to perform some steps before updating to Celonis Process Mining 4.7.3, including installing and running Celonis Process Mining 4.7.2. You'll find everything you need here.

Changes and improvements

Important changes
1. Deprecation note: Optimized load

With Celonis Process Mining 4.7.3, we've deprecated parts of the “optimized load” functionality (Data Model → Loading → Load column).

Remaining functionality:

The user can manually select which columns of a certain table are included/excluded from a data model load.

Deprecated functionality:

  • The application no longer tracks the access count and last access dates for columns

  • The “Load only used columns” functionality is no longer available. This functionality was used to automatically include columns that were not available but accessed by a user into the next load



2. MS SQL Configuration Store - JDBC Driver

If your application was configured to use the Celonis Configuration Store based on MS SQL, a manual update must be applied:

Validating the usage of MS SQL

  • Navigate to <installDir>/

  • Check if this exact property exists within your file. In case the property is commented (#) the manual update does not have to be applied:



For detailed information on configuration steps, see the Celonis Process Mining 4.7.3 - Update Guide 1.15. If you don't follow these steps, your MS SQL connections may fail.

How to update the property

  1. Navigate to <installDir>/

  2. Replace the old value org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2008Dialect of the property database.dialect with the following value:
3. Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Authentication Library for Windows

We also removed themssql-jdbc_auth-<version>.x<64/86>.dll (Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Authentication Library for Windows) from the embedded dependencies. In case the application is running on Windows and the SQL Server Authentication (indicated by integratedSecurity=true in the JDBC string) is used to connect to the Celonis Configuration Store or the Analytics Database, the library has to be deployed manually.


For detailed information on configuration steps, see the Celonis Process Mining 4.7.3 - Update Guide 1.15. If you don't follow these steps, your MS SQL connections may fail.

How to deploy the driver

  1. Stop the application.

  2. Download the respective driver version based on your SQL Server version and compatibility from here. Please follow the Microsoft recommendations in case of any questions here.

  3. Place the library in<installDir>\jre\bin.

  4. Start the applicatio.n

4. Updated log file structure and log rotation

With version 4.7.3, we revamped the full log file structure on the application server. In addition to that, we enabled log rotation by default for the main Celonis Frontend and Compute Compute service logs.


For detailed information, see the Celonis Process Mining 4.7.3 - Update Guide 1.15.



Celonis CPM4 Frontend

    • <installation_directory>/logs/cpm_svc.err.log <installation_directory>/logs/cpm_svc.out.log <installation_directory>/logs/cpm_svc.wrapper.log Windows Service Wrapper logs (when starting Celonis CPM4 Frontend service)

    • <installDir>/logs/cpm-stdout.log

      Celonis CPM4 Frontend startup messages (before full application server start)

    • <installation_directory>/logs/cpm.log Celonis CPM4 Frontend general service log file for current date (today’s logs)

    • <installation_directory>/logs/cpm.<date>.log.gz Celonis CPM4 Frontend archive service log files, rotated daily by default

Celonis CPM4 Compute

    • <installation_directory>/compute/logs/cpm_svc.err.log <installation_directory>/compute/logs/cpm_svc.out.log <installation_directory>/compute/logs/cpm_svc.wrapper.log Windows Service Wrapper logs (when starting Celonis CPM4 compute service)

    • <installDir>/compute/logs/compute-stdout.log Celonis CPM4 compute startup messages (before full compute server loading)

    • <installation_directory>/compute/logs/compute.log Celonis CPM4 compute general service log file for current date (today’s logs)

    • <installation_directory>/compute/logs/compute.<date>.log.gz Celonis CPM4 computearchive service log files, rotated daily by default

Celonis CPM4 Frontend

    • <installDir>/logs/cpm-stdout.log

      Celonis CPM4 Frontend startup messages (before full application server loading)

    • <installDir>/logs/cpm.log

      Celonis CPM4 Frontend general service log file for current date (today’s logs)

    • <installation_directory>/logs/cpm.<date>.log.gz Celonis CPM4 Frontend archive service log files rotated, daily by default

Celonis CPM4 Compute

    • <installDir>/compute/logs/compute-stdout.log Celonis CPM4 compute startup messages (before full compute server loading)

    • <installation_directory>/compute/logs/compute.log Celonis CPM4 compute general service log file for current date (today’s logs)

    • <installation_directory>/compute/logs/compute.<date>.log.gz Celonis CPM4 compute archive service log files rotated, daily by default

5. Custom logging configuration

The custom logging configuration was updated with version 4.7.3. It was previously configured in<installDir>config-custom.propertiesvia the propertylogging.config= . This property is no longer supported.

  • If custom logging was configured previously, please migrate the configuration to the approach (see the next slide).

  • If scheduled OS logrotate was configured, please deactivate it and use the default CPM4 log rotation. Alternatively, you can apply a custom logging configuration as highlighted on the next slide.


For detailed information, see the Celonis Process Mining 4.7.3 - Update Guide 1.15. If you don't apply this update, your application will not pick up your previous custom logging configuration.

How to apply a custom logging configuration

  • Refer a custom logging config file using the JVM property-Dlogging.configin<installDir>/cpm.user.vmoptions

  • Refer a custom logging configuration in the in the same directory as the application jar.


The logging library was changed from log4j2 to logback so you may need to update to the logging.xmlconfiguration format. For more information, see

Improved Conformance Checker

1. Custom dimension

The Conformance Checker component can now be configured to use a custom dimension in two places(requires being in edit mode):

  • During the setup when selecting “mine process model”.

  • In the component settings.

2. Improved violation list

The violation list is now paginated for better usability and performance.

Additionally, violations can now be added to the allowlist directly, without opening the detail screen.




Color mapping based on Null

Previously, the color mapping of analysis components was limited to numeric values. Therefore, we added the option to map null values to a specific background or font color.

Improved "Scheduled loads" overview

We added more information to the “Scheduled loads” overview (System Settings → Data loads → Scheduled loads):

  • Data model ID.

  • Load ID.

  • Load schedule/partial load schedule.

  • Schedule configuration.


If a load schedule as well as a partial load schedule are configured for the same data model, there will be two separate entries on the page.

Improved system monitoring

1. Storage metrics

The application now logs the available and used storage of (once per hour).

2. Data Model Load Pool metrics:

The application now logs information about the Data Model Load Pool configuration ( and workload (once per hour).


Storage metrics

<yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX> INFO ResourceMonitor - [STORAGE (writable root)] available 64 GB, used 32 GB (50.00%)

Data Model Load Pool metrics

<yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX> INFO ResourceMonitor - [Data Model Load Pool] current pool size = 3, maximum pool size = 6, active tasks = 0, completed tasks = 3, queued tasks =
New in

1. OAuth 2.0 support for mail distribution

We added support for OAuth 2.0 (XOAUTH2) SMTP authentication for automatic mail distribution with the “Stories” functionality. In addition we now expose an SMTP Authentication API to periodically refresh or rotate short-lived OAuth tokens.

More information can be found here.

2. SSL Protocols and Ciphers configuration

We added a feature to limit allowed SSL protocols and ciphers in case strict security limitations are required. For example, to explicitly prohibit TLSv1.2 protocol or DHE ciphers. For more information, see the Celonis Process Mining - Operation Guide.