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Analyzing multiple processes (multi-event log)

You want to analyse the entire process landscape of your business holistically?

This tutorial shows you how to combine multiple processes into one integrated view with the multi-event log technology. A full technical guide is attached at the bottom of the page.

Step 1 - Set up your data model

  1. Go to an existing data model.

  2. Add an additional event log.

  3. Establish the foreign key relationships.

  4. Configure the activity table in the "Process configuration" tab

  5. Assign a case table to the activity table.

  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for as many event logs as desired.

  7. Load the data model.


Step 2 - View all processes in one analysis

  1. Go to Process Analytics.

  2. Create a workspace and an analysis.

  3. Create one Process Explorer per event log.

  4. Assign the event logs with the "Custom dimension" option to the Process Explorer.

  5. Start exploring your data with filters, charts and tables.


Step 3 - Create process KPIs and filter across processes

  1. Create a new sheet.

  2. Create a table with your event logs.

  3. Configure number components with the default Throughput Time KPI.

  4. Adjust the PQL formula of the KPI to change the event log PQL reference.

  5. Filter on a case in one process - all linked data from the other processes is also filtered.

Multi-Event-Log - KPI setup.mp4


Full technical guide

Multi-Event Log in Celonis Process Mining 4.7.pdf

Licensing information

Only process-based licenses are affected by multi-event log-enabled data models.

All data models with 0-1 activity tables count as one process towards the license.

Every additional activity table that is configured on top of the first one will also count as one process towards the license.


A set up with...

  • One empty data model with no activity/case table - consumes one process license.

  • One data model with one activity/case table - consumes one process license.

  • One data model with four activity/case tables - consumes four process licenses.

...a total of six process licenses are consumed