Constant Variables are similar to regular variables but they can not be defined or edited by the user. They can be re-used in different parts of the Analysis. 

Available Constant Variables

With Celonis Process Mining 4.7 the following two constants were introduced:

$CEL_USERNAMEThe name of the user currently viewing/editing the Analysis.

The Filters/Selections that are currently applied to the respective Analysis. Returns the String representation of the filters, separated by ";".
Note: Load Scripts applied on any level (Analysis, Sheet, Component) are not included!

Additional constants will be introduced in future releases.

How to use contants

Constant Variables can be used in all and formula inputs in the Analysis (such as the Text Component or the Single KPI Components).

Therefore, the constant has to be wrapped with the following Syntax:

Forwarding constants to external links

Constants can also be forwarded to external links, by using the new action of the Button Component.

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