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System requirements

The following operating systems (on Intel architecture) are supported by the Celonis 4 Enterprise Server Edition:

  • Windows Server 2016 and higher
    Recommended version: Windows Server 2016
  • SLES 12 SP5 / SLES 15
    Recommended version: SLES 15
  • RHEL 7.9 / RHEL 8
    Recommended version: RHEL 8
  • Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS 
    Recommended version: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
    Note: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is no longer supported

License details

  1. License details will tell you the machine ID the license is bound to, until which date the license is valid, the current and licensed user count, the maximum amount of events in one data model that is licensed and the current and the licensed number of data models.

  2. The manual license installation allows you to install the license if you do not have internet access on the same machine on which you can access the Celonis instance.

  3. Export license report: This will allow you to export a .csv license report.

Initial License installation

  1. Activate license: This button will forward you to where you can select from the licenses associated with your account. If you do not have a license available here, please contact your Celonis Contact.

  2. The manual license installation allows you to install the license if you do not have internet access on the same machine on which you can access the Celonis instance.

  3. Export license report: This will allow you to export a .csv license report.

Manual License installation


  1. Copy and paste your server ID to the input field you will find on on the license's settings.

  2. Input the generated license key in the textfield.

  3. Install the license by confirming the input of your license key.